Biblical Studies
BBL100 - Introduction to the Bible
BBL211 - Synoptic Gospels
BBL217 - Old Testament Historical Books
BBL220 - Pentateuch
BBL310 - Biblical Hermeneutics
BBL311 - Acts
BBL314 - Pauline Epistles I
BBL319 - General Epistles & Revelation
- Jobes, Karen, H. (2011). Letters to the Church. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.9780310494799
- Koester, Craig R. (2001). Revelation and the End of All Things. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans.9780802846600
BBL322 - Old Testament Minor Prophets
BBL324 - Old Testament Major Prophets
BBL417 - New Testament Backgrounds
- The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English by Vermes, Geza; ISBN: 9780141197319
- The New Oxford Annotated Apocrypha by Coogan, Michael D.; ISBN: 9780195289619
- Josephus, the Essential Writings by Maier, Paul L.; ISBN: 9780825429637
- Jewish Backgrounds of the New Testament by Scott, J. Julius Jr.; ISBN: 9780801022401
Communication & Language
COM100 - Introduction to Communications
LNG180 - Introduction to Academic Writing & Research
LNG285 - Elementary New Testament Greek I (3)
LNG286 - Elementary New Testament Greek II (3)
LNG383 - Intermediate Greek (3)
Christian Spirituality
CSP130 - Introduction to Christian Spirituality
CSP231-Practice of Prayer
- The Next Right Thing: A Simple, Soulful Practice for Making Life Decisions by Freeman, E.; ISBN: 978-0800736521
- Divine Echoes: Reconciling Prayer with the Uncontrolling Love of God by Mark Gregory Karris; ISBN: 978-1938480256
- The Way of the Heart: Connecting with God through prayer, wisdom and Silence by Nouwen, H.; ISBN: 978-0345463357
- The Art of Healing Prayer: Bringing Christ’s Wholeness to Broken People by Ringma, C. & Dickau, M.. London; ISBN: 978-0281060832
- Teach Us to Pray by Smith, G. T.; ISBN: 978-0830845217
CSP350 - Personal & Spiritual Development for Leaders
- Spiritual disciplines handbook by Adele Ahlberg Calhoun ISBN# 9780830833306
- Ancient Sins...Modern Addictions by R. Scott Sullender; ISBN# 978-1620326909
- Forming the Leader's Soul by Morris Dirks; 978-0615867090
- Leadership and Self-Deception by Arbinger Institute; ISBN# 9781576759776
- Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership by Ruth Haley Barton; ISBN# 9780830835133
Field Education
FE101 Field Education I
FE101-Human Services
FE201 - Field Educations II
FE301 Field Education III
History & Thought
HTH101 - Church of God Distinctives - History of the Church of God
HTH180 - Christian Mind
- Christian Mind by Brad Teigen (Provided by RMC)
- The Fine Line by Kary Oberbrunner (Provided by RMC)
- Heaven is a place on earth by Michael E. Wittmer; ISBN# 9780310253075
HTH272 -Introduction to World Civilizations
HTH276 - World Religions
HTH283 - Principles of Philosophy
HTH287 - The History of Christianity I
HTH288 - The History of Christianity II
Global Studies
ICS150 - Global Christian Citizenship
ICS250 - Crosscultural Communication
ICS252 - Theological Foundations for Global Studies
ICS253 - Global Ministry Practices
LDR100 - Discipleship I
- Christian Discipleship by Brad Teigen (Provided by RMC)
- A Long Obedience in the Same Direction by Eugene H. Peterson; ISBN# 9780830822577
- Discipleship Essentials by Greg Ogden; ISBN# 9780830810871
- Messy Spirituality by Mike Yaconelli; ISBN# 9780310277309
- The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren; ISBN# 9780310329060
LDR101 - Discipleship II
Textbooks for Credit
- Christian Discipleship by Brad Teigen (Provided by RMC)
- Living the Gospel by Brad Teigen (Provided by RMC)
- Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer; ISBN# 9780060608521
- Discipleship Essentials by Greg Ogden; ISBN# 9780830810871
- The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren; ISBN# 9780310329060
- The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning; ISBN# 9781590525029
LDR201 - Issues for Leadership Effectiveness
LDR252 - Theological Foundations for Global Leadership
LDR311 - Team Leadership Theories & Practices (Online Course)
LDR402 - Leadership Capstone Course
LDR412 - Youth Leadership Foundations
LDR413 - Youth Leadership Practices
LDR432 - Theological Foundations of Pastoral Leadership
- The Bible (any version that is appropriate for study)
- Minding the Good Ground by Jason E. Vickers; ISBN# 9781602583603
- Pastor: The Theology and Practice of Ordained Ministry by William H. Willimon; ISBN# 9780687045327
LDR433 Pastoral Leadership Practices
- Scandalous Obligation by Eric Severson; ISBN#0834126125
- Brueggemann, Walter. Prophetic Imagination. 2nd ed. Augsburg Fortress, 2016.
- Purpose Driven Church by Rick Warren; ISBN# 0310201063
LDR451 - Crosscultural Communication
LDR453 - Global Leadership Practices
LDR454 - Cultural Intelligence Strategies
Social Science
SSC193 - Principles of Psychology
SSC194 - Principles of Sociology
SSC195 -Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
SSC282 - Social, Environmental & Disabling Issues in Development
SSC285 - Professional Foundations of Child & Youth Care
SSC284 - Social Science Research
SSC293 - Developmental Psychology
SSC295 - Abnormal Psychology
SSC298 - Adolescent Psychology
SSC310 – Child and Youth Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities
SSC321 Five Voices: A Ministry Conversation Exploring Indigenous Trauma and Healing
SSC330 - Theoretical Approaches in Human Services
SSC335 - Grief and Mourning
SSC340 - Skills & Techniques in Human Services
- Interviewing and Counseling Skills for Canadians, 7th Edition by Bob Shebib; ISBN# 9780134842486
SSC382 - Community Based Interventions
- Community development in Canada by Jason D. Brown; ISBN# 9780205754700
- Promoting Community Change by Henry Parada; ISBN# 9780176104306
SSC383 - Canadian Aboriginal Cultures
- The Inconvenient Indian by Thomas King; ISBN# 9780385664226
- Canada's first nations by Olive Patricia Dickason and David T. McNab; ISBN# 9780195428926
- Red Skin, White Masks by Glen Sean Coulthard; ISBN# 9780816679652
- Ta'n Teliktlamsitasit (Ways of Believing) : Mi'kmaw Religion in Eskasoni, Nova Scotia by Angela Robinson; ISBN# 9780131770676
SSC384 - Substance Abuse & Related Health Issues
SSC392 - Working with Children & Adolescents
Textbooks for CreditÂ
Counseling children and adolescents: Connecting theory, development, and diversity by Smith-Adcock, S. & Tucker, C; ISBN# 14833477
SSC399 - Intervening with Families
- Family Therapies by Mark Yarhouse; ISBN# 9780830828050
- Family Therapy by Michael P. Nichols; ISBN# 9780205827190
SSC496 - Advanced Practice
SSC497 - Working with Groups
THO102 - Church of God Distinctives - Theological Overview
- Signals at the Crossroads by Gilbert W. Stafford; ISBN# 9781593175443
- Theology for Disciples by Gilbert W. Stafford; ISBN# 9781593176105
THO200 - History of Christian Theology
THO300 - Salvation & Sanctification
- A Community Called Atonement by Scott McKnight; ISBN# 9780687645541
- How to Become a Saint by Jack Bernard; ISBN# 9780281059119
- Why Salvation? by Joel B. Green; ISBN# 9781426756993