RMC Team
The historic mandate of Rocky Mountain College has not changed. We continue to focus on delivering quality Christian training to equip students for God’s calling.

Rev. Dr. Mike Swalm
- B.A., Bethel College (Indiana), 2001
- M.A., Acadia Seminary (Nova Scotia), 2005
- D. Min, Northern Seminary (Chicago), 2020
Email: president@rockymountaincollege.ca
Phone: 403 284-5100 ext. 403 284-5100 ext. 106

Gaileen Gillies
Vice President, Advancement
- University of Calgary, 1977;
- Counseling Certificate 1998;
- Counseling Diploma, Rocky Mountain College, 2004;
- High School Teacher, 1972-1978; Small Business Owner / Entrepreneur 1978-Present;
Email: ggillies@rockymountaincollege.ca
- Volunteer Coordinator, New Life Centres, 1998;
- Program Coordinator, Challenge Program, 1998-2000;
- Development Director, Calgary Pregnancy Care Centre, 2000-2003, Rocky Mountain College, 2000-Present.

Rev. Dr. Brad Teigen
Vice President, Academic
- Diploma of Evangelism, Mount Carmel 1992;
- BAR Youth, Rocky Mountain College 1997;
- MDiv Edmonton Baptist Seminary 2000;
- DMin Nazarene Theological Seminary;
- Associate Pastor, Rocky Mountain House 1999-2003;
- Pastor, Claresholm 2003-2006; Pastor, Calgary 2006-2011;Pastor, Rocky Mountain House 2016-2022;
- Rocky Mountain College 2008-Present.
Email: bteigen@rockymountaincollege.ca
Phone: 403 284-5100 ext. 403 284-5100 ext. 107

Virginia Hooper,DMin
Program Coordinator - Human Services
- B.R.E., Hillcrest Christian College, 1977;
- M.A.R., Western Evangelical Seminary, 1979;
- L.P.C. (Licensed Professional Counselor), Montana State University, 1985-1987;
- Ed.D. (ABD), University of Montana, 2001-2008
- DMin, Trinity Western University Seminary., 2024
Email: vhooper@rockymountaincollege.ca
Phone: 403 284-5100 ext. 105

Kailynne Belt
Finance & Registrar
- BA Theology- Biblical Studies Major, Rocky Mountain College, April 2014;
- Rocky Mountain College 2013- Present;
- YWAM Honolulu DTS (Discipleship Training School) Staff/SBS (School of Biblical Studies) Staff 2007-2009
Email: registrar@rockymountaincollege.ca
Phone: 403 284-5100 ext. 102

Naomi Rokos
Partner Success Liaison
- BA Leadership Development - Youth Leadership, Rocky Mountain College, April 2010
Email: nrokos@rockymountaincollege.ca
Phone: 403 284-5100 ext. 103

Robert Harris
Enrolment and Marketing Director
- Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations 1986-1990 Central Washington University- Ellensburg, WA;
- Master of Professional Studies 1993-1998 Alliance Theological Seminary - Nyack, NY
Email: enrolment@rockymountaincollege.ca
Phone: 403 284-5100 ext. 101
Rocky Mountain College’sMission, Vision and Values

RMC Facilitators
Amy Beange
Biblical Studies and General Studies -
LaDawne Boehlig
Human Services -
Darlene Hyatt
Biblical Studies -
Andrew Klager
General Studies -
Jennifer LeBlanc
General Studies
David Skidmore
Leadership & Biblical Studies -
Curtis Slater
General Studies -
Mike Swalm
Theology, Biblical Studies & General Studies -
Shari Van Spronsen
Human Services -
Wayne Whitbourne
Global Leadership -
Matthew Wilks